School has been going well. Jo-Bean has been working on Ambleside year 8 reading with 5 books left to read in the free reading section.
He has completed all but one of the English Festival books. His impression of each book is as follows: Divergent by Roth had a good story line, the characters were okay, and symbolism was interesting. A Monster Calls by Ness was heartbreaking. Inkheart by Funke was wild and fun. My Name is Not Easy by Edwardson had good characters but was slow moving. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: The Authorized Adaptation...Graphic Novel by Tim Hamilton was not nearly as good as the original source material, had decent artwork but the writing was much to be desired. I am David by Holm so far has been interesting, moves a little slowly but keeps you interested.
Science has not been going as quickly as I'd like, but he is doing well with the work.
He has completed Grammar Voyage, and will be finishing up Caesar's English 2 and Practice Voyage in the next couple of weeks. Sequential Spelling is progressing nicely as well. He is my go to guy when I can't recall how to spell something or my dyslexia is getting the better of me.
He is struggling through Pre-Algebra. I had thought he would be further along by now, but math is really kicking his behind this year.
Shakespeare's Graphic Novels was a good choice for him this year as it has peeked an interested in him for the real thing.
Just a few more pages to go and he'll be done with Italics. His penmanship is beautiful and well worth all the years of daily writing assignments.
Story of the World IV has been shelved while he finishes the last of the English Festival books. He's more then halfway through and is enjoying it for the most part.
We've pretty much dropped Latin and Logic. Just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. I'm hoping there will be some time at the end of the year to focus on it.
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