1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Monday, August 4, 2014

My High Schooler's 9th Grade Schedule and Curriculum

Well, I've been working on our schedule for the year. This year I have one in high school, one in middle school and two in elementary school.

My high schooler will be doing 11 subjects this year or 7 1/4 credits. Bible (O credit), English (1 credit), Math (1 credit), Science (1 credit), Ancient History (1 credit), Art History (1/4 credit), Studio Art (1/4 credit), Music Appreciation (1/4 credit), Spanish 1 (1 credit), and Logic (1 credit), PE (1/4 credit) & Health (1/4 credit).

For Bible he will be reading NIV Gen. to Job and Daniel he also has a Devotional through his Youth Group.

For English he will be using Michael Clay Thompson's Secondary Series which includes
Magic Lens 1 (Grammar)
Word Within a Word 1 (Vocabulary)
Poetry and Humanity (Poetry)
Academic Writing 1 (Writing)
4Practice 1 (Diagramming)
SEARCH (Literature) 

 For Math he will be using Math U See Algebra 1

For Science he will be using Apologia Biology

For History he will be using Ancient History of the World by Susan Wise Bauer and
Student and Teaching Guide for the Ancient History of the World by Julia Kaziewicz

For Art History he will use
Harmony Fine Art at Home: Art Appreciation
The Annotated Mona Lisa  
The Story of Painting

For Studio Art 1 he will use
Artistic Pursuits Senior High Book 1
Dover Coloring Books
He will also be taking art classes at our local art center,
attending 4 art museums and entering 6 art competitions.

For Music Appreciation he will use
Harmony Fine Art at Home: Music Appreciation
Classical Music Experience by Julius H. Jacobson
Classical Music Start-Up Kit Vol. 1 & 2

For Spanish he will use
Switched on Schoolhouse Spanish 1

For Logic he will use
Traditional Logic 1 & 2 

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