1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of School 2013

Well, here I am again. Ever so busy with life. Not the fun exciting adventures of life... just the everyday get ya down stuff. So It's been a whole year since I last blogged. That is so wrong. I blame Facebook it has hogged up all my time... well, at least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. ha.

So It's a whole new school year. My kidlets are a whole year older. Jo-bean just started 8th grade. His feet have just outgrown mine.

Doesn't he just look so ready for his first day of school.

Moca is going into 6th grade this year and excited to be digging into the books again. 

Z-boy is happy to wake with the sun and shine all day long.  Going into 3rd grade this year he's ready for a boxing match with that math book and a wrestling match with that history book.

And Sugar Plum is trying to look as cute as can be... even though she is always as cute as can be. She's my big 1st grader this year. So willing to do her schoolwork and enjoys it so much. 

Here's the whole brood, getting ready for their first day of school. 

And here's how we all felt at the end of our first school day. 

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