1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekly Report Aug. 29th- Sept. 2nd

We finished our first week of School for the new year.

Dh did Bible with the boys 4 out of 5 days. They are going through the book of Judges. Micah was upset because he didn't want to hear about "killing and stuff". The boys are doing a Journal this year for Bible. We'll see how that goes. I'm hoping it will lead them to think more about how God works in their lives and what he can teach them through His word.

We started each day with Language Arts.
Josiah and Micah are doing AVKO Spelling. It's daily lists of words that subtly teach spelling rules. Zechariah is doing lists from Phonics Pathways. Then comes Italics penmanship (which all four are doing) followed by Four Level Analysis of Sentences and then Grammar. Josiah is in the Town Series and Micah is in the Island Series. Zechariah is doing First language lessons and Phonics Pathways. Selah does Phonics Pathways but isn't really ready for spelling this year.

Math was slow moving this week. They each managed to drag their feet. But I'm hoping for better results this week. Josiah is finishing up Epsilon. Micah is finishing Delta. Zechariah is finishing Alpha. Selah will begin Primer in a month or two. I want her to practice writing numbers for a while before beginning a text.

History was next. Josiah is reading from Usborne's History of the World in the Medieval section and reading the Birth of Britain by Winston Churchill. Micah is reading Story of the World Vol. 2 and Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula. Zechariah is listening to SOTW vol. 2 on CD and Viking Longships. Selah is listening when she feels like it.

Science was a little easier then last year. I'm having the older boys read the book on their own. I'm still reading it to Zechariah this year, but I think it will work out better having them do their work on their own. They read the last part of 3 and all of 4. They will finish their Notebook on Tue. and work on 5 for this week.

We did Latin just after lunch each day. The younger two were in the room but not really required to pay attention.

Then we did Logic. Josiah is doing Traditional Logic and it is far from easy. He's had to have quite a bit of hand holding this week, but I think it will grow easier as we progress with the material. Micah and Zechariah found their logic books a little too easy, but I really wanted them to do their logic on their own this year. I think it will work out.

We did a little Art this week but didn't get to Music. The two older boys each wrote in their heath and nature journals. I hope to add typing this week.

Micah did some Occupational and Physical Therapy. Josiah did one lesson in computer science.

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