1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Theme Thursday: Memories

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Easter memories;
Bunnies hopping in the yard,
Colored eggs shiny and hard,
Silver wrappings glistening,
Biscuits, eggs and gravy too,
Warm my mouth with yummy goo.

Birthday remembrance;
Candy cigarets melting on the tongue,
ice cream slipping, red hot candles dripping,
Melting waxy scented clouds
Crinkling paper and screaming kids.

Independence day;
Cracking, popping, colored smoke,
Deep fried chicken, watermelon too,
Grand explosions fill the sky.
I'm so glad it's "The Forth of July".

Halloween images;
Dancing goblins in the night,
Popcorn balls and candy corn,
Pumpkin faces glowing bright,
Shrouded in frightening, beautiful, mysterious disguise.

Christmas Surprises;
Bubbling lights of glistening beauty,
Carols from the radio,
Chugging, puffing choo-choo trains circling round our little tree,
Smiles big and bright and so carefree.

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