This is Z train's official first year of school. We will have to report his progress from this point on to the state. They seem to think they have some sort of right to know. Grr. Anyway, this year we'll be stepping up his studies a bit. I plan to have him finish phonics this year and learn all the Dolch Sight Words. It will also be the beginning of his first history cycle, so he will be doing history and science with the big boys. Everything else he will be doing with me or independently.
- Bible: Gen. 6
- Circle Time
- MUS Primer: 19 A & B
- Phonics Pathways: page 55
- Italic A: Pages 11-12 (n & r)
- DSW: come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, hear, ball,bear
- SOTW 1: Chapter 2:1
- Reading Basket: Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy, Benjamin Franklin by Ingri d'Aulaire, Journey Through History by Gloria Verges
- Weekly Reader: Dot and Mit by Bobby Maslen
- Bible: Gen. 7
- Circle Time
- MUS: 19 C
- Reading Pathways: Pages 7-8
- Italic A: Pages 13-14 (u & y)
- DSW: Flash Cards
- SOTW 1: Chapter 2:2
- Logic: Mind Benders Beginning 5-6
- Apologia B: Chapter 6 Leaf Anatomy, Simple/Compound Leaf, Leaf Classification Chart, Leaf Classification Pages
- Reading Basket: Messages in the Mailbox by Loreen Leedy, Croco'nile by Roy Gerrand, You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pyramid Builder! by Jacqueline Morley, Cat Mummies by Kelly Trumble
- Weekly Reader: Dot and the Dog by Bobby Maslen
- Bible: Gen. 8
- Circle time
- MUS: 19D
- Phonics Pathways: page 54
- Italic A: Pages 15-16 (a & d)
- DSW: Flash cards
- SOTW 1: Chapter 3 Narration/Copywork
- Reading Basket: Action Alphabet by Shelly Rotner, Paddle to the Sea by Holling C. Holling, An Egyptian Pyramid by Jacqueline Morley
- Weekly Reader: Jig and Mag by Bobby Maslen
- Bible: Gen. 9
- Circle Time
- MUS Primer: 19 E & F
- RP: pages 7-8
- Italics A: Pages 17-18 (g & q)
- DSW: Flash Cards
- SOTW 1: Chapter 4:1 Narration/Copywork
- Logic: Mind Benders Beginning 7-8
- Apologia Activities:
- Music Listening
- Reading Basket: Blast Off To Earth by Loreen Leedy, Egyptian Gods and Godesses by Henry Baker, Who Built the Pyramids? by Jane Chisholm
- Weekly Reader: The Vet by Bobby Maslen
- Bible: Gen. 10
- Circle Time
- History Project: Model of the Nile River, Cuneiform Tablet, & Hieroglyphic Scroll
- Music Appreciation:
- Art Appreciation:
- Art Project: Fruit Loop Rainbow Necklaces
- Reading Basket: The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid, Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile by Tomie dePaola, Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki
- Weekly Reader: Up, Pup by Bobby Maslen
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