1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Elementary Daughter's 2nd Grade Schedule and Curriculum

I've been working on our schedule for the year. This year I have one in high school, one in middle school and two in elementary school.

My elementary daughter will be doing 12 subjects this year. Bible, English, Math, Science, Modern History, Art & Music Appreciation, Spanish, Latin, Nature Study, Shakespeare, PE & Health.

For Bible she will use NIV and Keys for Kids

For English he will use Michael Clay Thompson's Elementary Grammar Series
Grammar Island (Grammar)
Building Language (Vocabulary)
Music of the Hemispheres (Poetry)
Sentence Island (Writing)
Practice Island (Diagramming)
Mud (Literature)
Italics C (Penmanship)
Phonics Pathways (Phonics)
Reading Pathways (Reading)
Sequential Spelling 1 (Spelling)

For Math he will use Math U See Beta and Gamma

For History he will use
Story of the World II Middle Ages  by Susan Wise Bauer
Story of the World II Middle Ages Activity Book by Susan Wise Bauer

For Art & Music Appreciation he will use
Harmony of Fine Art: Art and Music Appreciation Grade 2 Medieval and Renaissance Art

For Spanish he will use Switched on Schoolhouse Elementary Spanish

For Latin he will use Prima Latina

For Nature Study he will use Take a Walk Series
Take a Backyard Bird Walk
Take a Beach Walk
Take a Tree Walk
Take a Winter Nature Walk
Take a Walk With Butterflies and Dragonflies

For Shakespeare he will use Shakespeare's Classical Worktext
Antony and Cleopatra
Richard III
Twelfth Night

For PE & Health he will use Physical Education for Homeschoolers

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