I need to de-clutter badly. In my home. With my time. Really overall.
I have a passion for creativity, but it doesn't show in my home. I need a way to display the beauty that I know is inside of me...and that which is within my children as well. But our creativity is stifled, choked out by the clutter of our small home and our lives in general. So I have resolved to de-clutter my life. And I have decided that this will be our Manic Monday...I get a little manic when I clean, dh gets a lot manic haha.
My Personal Clutter
- Re-structure my days in such a way that Christ is glorified
- I need to get rid of some unwanted pounds.
- Re-organize my time to spend less cleaning up messes (organize things better)
- Re-think the way I do school with Jo Bean and Moca (independence she pleads)
- mostly physical clutter
- a small amount of tweeking the schedule and some curic. changes for next year
- Let's just say this is going to have to take more then one Manic Monday to solve
- Need to seek God about this one. Is it a weight that besets or a mission to embrace?
If only there were a way to balance this tight rope. I'm sure there is with baby steps. This Month I will be tackling 2 personal clutter issues and our home clutter, one room at a time.
My husband has decided that an organization allowance is in order. Our budget is tight but he's decided to give me $300 to reorganize our home. This is a one time thing, so I need to think wisely.
All the rooms in my home are equally disorganized. He wants me to focus mainly on our learning space and the boys room, but I will also need to do a little in the kitchen and bathrooms.
Learning Space
We've run out of room on our bookshelves.
So I had to put crates together to make room
and as you can see they end up on the floor
more often then into their proper place.
Of course this could have a little to do with a certain 2 year old I know.
More mess with binders and books.
I'm so sick of 3 ring binders. None of these are current binders... they just have no home. I'm considering getting a spiral binder. Humm.
And I need to think Vertically!!
School Supply Closet
The top of the hall closet.
Look at all that space being misused.
These drawers aren't being used properly.
I've tried to organize them before... but...
Everything gets tossed in together and
I end up searching for the scissors or whatever.
The tackle box houses my wire art supplies.
This holds sand, sculpy clay, envelopes, markers, pens, and I have a lot of small craft
things...like beads, string, glitter, etc. which get all mixed together. When it comes time
to craft I don't want to because I know we will have to hunt for everything we're going to use.
things...like beads, string, glitter, etc. which get all mixed together. When it comes time
to craft I don't want to because I know we will have to hunt for everything we're going to use.
Neverland: the boys room
Of course our clutter issues aren't limited to school. This is my boys room. All three share a bedroom. I am standing at the door. This is the end of the beds. Not much room to move and even less to store toys for three boys. We are getting bunk beds at months end which will help a little with the space issue.
The Main Bathroom
I need a better system here too.
This place is a clutter magnet and
is not suited for company.
And I won't even show you the
boys bathroom... it is the land of
the lost socks, green slimy things
and basically anything stinky boy.
So my Goal for this Manic Monday is to re-organize the main bathroom. And maybe get the books back on their shelve/crates. My personal goal is to find 10 min. to exercise and 20 min. to at least think creatively. All while homeschooling two super dependent boys, one super clingy princess and one stinky pants cutie face who has to be reminded to use the toilet every 15 min. and not his pants.
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